Bill O'Reilly
author : Bill O'Reilly
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Bill O'Reilly is a trailblazing TV journalist who has experienced unprecedented success on cable news and in writing fifteen national bestselling nonfiction books. (There are currently more than seventeen million books in the Killing series in print.) Mr. O’Reilly does a daily podcast on, and his daily radio program, The O'Reilly Update, is heard on hundreds of stations across the country. He lives on Long Island.
Bill O'Reilly Book Series
Killing the SS
Keep It Pithy
Killing Lincoln
The Last Days of Jesus
Kids Are Americans Too
Killing England
Killing the Rising Sun
Those Who Trespass: A Novel of Television and Murder
Killing Reagan
Pinheads and Patriots
Kennedy's Last Days: The Assassination That Defined a Generation
Killing Kennedy
Killing Patton: The Strange Death of World War II's Most Audacious General
Lincoln's Last Days
Killing Lincoln: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever